This morning on the Today Show, one of the news stories was about de-aging your resume. It talked about NEEDING to have an online presence to look young and stand out amoung all of the new “savvy’ young graduates coming out of college. It talked about online resumes, personal websites, professional blogs a presense on social networking sites like Linkedin, Facebook and My Space. These tactics give employers a very easy, accessible way to find out more about potential employees. When they see a hotlink on your online resume to your blog, they just might click on it.
So what does this have to do with your small business in Southwest Iowa? I don’t care if you live in the smallest of towns, or if you think that people are still getting their news out of the newspaper. Think ahead of the times. De-age your small business and build an online presense. If you don’t have a website, get one now. Store your price lists, brochures and other show pieces on that website and allow them to be downloaded. Get on social networking sites where your potential customers are. Comment on Blogs that your potential customers read (be careful not to sell your business too much, just offer expert advice with a link to your website). The IWCC SBDC and E-Center can help you get started with an online presense by pointing you to the many resources available. The Iowa Western SBDC and E-Center is a free resource and our counselors will spend some time with you to help get you started on a great internet presence. Set up an appointment today. In the mean time check out They have great articles and step by step pointers on how to set up websites and more.