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Optimize For Mobile Users

Writer: Sue PittsSue Pitts

I have been on vacation for the last week and a half in Minnesota visiting family and it is amazing how much I relied and used my Blackberry.  Sure, I am pretty addicted as it is, but with no office computer and access to wireless for the laptop I used it for everything from email to shopping after Christmas sales.

The one thing I noticed is that on email, texts or websites, phone numbers that are viewed on a smart phone are automatically  activated by a simple click.  If a number is listed correctly on your smart phone device you can click it and it will automatically make the call.  This is very nice when you want to make a call and don’t have a great memory or a pen nearby.

The problem I kept having is that many websites or individuals emails  list their phone numbers incorrectly.  It needs to be listed with the area code and in a very standard way.

 This is the correct way to have your phone numbers listed: 888-888-8888. 

 I ran across numbers listed without area codes: 888-8888, with extra symbols like ()  or / in them: (888) 888-8888 or 888/888-8888, or worse of all, websites or emails with no phone numbers at all.

More and more of your customers are using their mobile devices to find you.  Make sure that you take a quick second to make sure that your number is listed correctly on your signature for your email and on your website and any other directories that you are listed in on the internet.

photo from Flickr Creative Commons:

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