It seems like every topic these days is ultra-polarizing. Views on the Coronavirus COVID-19 are no exception. Social media comments and posts range from paranoia to annoyance and disregard. With recent cases in the Omaha and Council Bluffs area and with rumors spreading faster than the virus itself, make sure to look for reputable resources for facts
The CDC recently launched Coronovirus.gov with extensive information for all U.S. residents, not just including business owners.
The CDC has issued coronavirus guidelines for businesses and is updating them as new developments occur.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has a coronavirus fact sheet for businesses as well as coronavirus FAQs and resources.
The Iowa State University Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS) has created some lists for small businesses -- https://www.ciras.iastate.edu/covid-19/
Wherever you stand, COVID-19 WILL affect your business in some way. From employees staying home sick, vendors unable to fill orders, and customers staying away – many of our small businesses could be in trouble.
Resources for Preparing your Business for COVID-19
SCORE has written a good comprehensive list for small businesses in preparation for the worse case scenario. How Small Businesses Can Prepare for the Coronavirus.
OSHA has created Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19
There are also some Posters you can print and hang in your businesses to help employees and customers understand proper hygiene, etc. Stop Germs Poster
The Iowa SBDC is a free service for businesses and can offer counseling and one-on-one technical assistance in creating a plan and help with recovering from losses. Contact your local SBDC to make an appointment.
The National Restaurant Association has a Coronavirus Resource Page with resources for Restaurants. They also presented a Preparing For The Coronavirus webinar available on demand.
Sue Pitts – Iowa Western SBDC Regional Director
The Iowa Western SBDC assists small businesses and start-ups through business & strategic planning, marketing, growth strategies, financial management, disaster planning and recovery and more.