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Floods and Tornados Devastate Businesses in Iowa

Writer's picture: Sue PittsSue Pitts

Across Iowa, businesses have been and will be affected by the recent storms and floods.  Iowa SBDC directors across the state met via phone conference today to discuss damage and our role in helping Iowa businesses. 

The main message is that the Iowa SBDCs are here to help our businesses in any way we can. 

There are SBA Disaster Relief loans available in counties that have been declared by the President as Federal Disaster Areas. Loans (not grants) are available for both physical and economic damages occured by businesses.  Loans are also available  for  individuals in these declared areas with damaged homes or rentals.    Currently, four Iowa counties have been declared federal disaster areas: Butler, Buchanan, Black Hawk and Delaware. More counties may be added as new damage is incurred.  For more information on these SBA programs visit  The Iowa SBDC website will also post current information at

If you have damage in your business and are not in a Presidential Declared Federal Disaster Area, please locate your local SBDC office.  We will try to help in any way we can  by helping with alternative financial options or technical assistance.  Locate your local SBDC at

One thing to learn from this season is that disaster can happen to anyone at anytime.  If you have not been affected by this terrible storm season, it would be a good time to do some disaster planning.  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has set up a great program to assist businesses in planning for disaster called Ready Business .  The website has checklists, brochures, posters, templates and more to help businesses prepare themeselves and their employees for all types of disasters.

In the meantime, before you turn off your lights for the evening or the weekend, backup your financial records and bring them home with you and make sure that you have your key employees’ home telephone numbers on your cell.  



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