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Don’t vote

Writer: Sue PittsSue Pitts

If you don’t care about the economy, if you don’t care about making sure everyone has health care, if you don’t care about the war or taxes or the quality of public education – then don’t watch this video. And please, don’t vote.

But if the critical issues facing our country matter to you, then make sure you’re registered – and make sure you vote. If you live in Nebraska or Iowa, you can register by mail, with a postmark deadline of October 17, or you can register in person in either state until October 24. Download the Iowa voter registration form or the Nebraska form online. Or you can fill out a registration form online, print it and mail it or take it to your nearest election office. At the Secretary of State sites, you can also check to see whether you’re registered and where your polling place will be on November 4.

Really, it couldn’t be easier. Register right now, while you’re thinking about it, before you take the dog out or answer the phone. We’ll all wait right here.

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