How the IWCC SBDC Can Help
SBDC counselors are your first stop for navigating through the COVID-19 crisis.
The IWCC SBDC offers one-on-one counseling that can be done through video conferencing or phone conference calls. We can help you through The SBA Economic Injury loan application process or other business grants, programs and issues that this crisis is causing including Financial analysis, distribution, sales, buying, marketing, HR Issues and more.
The Iowa SBDC is working closely with our partners and monitoring new and updated information, resources, tools, and possible grants and financial help.
Contact us today to let us help you through this difficult time
We Are Here to Help

Sue Pitts
If you are new to the SBDC we ask that you request counseling. SBDC Services are always free. .Collecting your information insures confidentiality and conformity of services.

Michael Mitilier
SBA Economic Injury Loan Information
SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans offer up to $2 million in assistance and can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing.
To apply you will apply directly to the SBA. Businesses should be gathering data needed for applications now and when a disaster declaration is accepted by the SBA you are ready to apply immediately.
You can view the documents that you will be filling out online here. These can help you get the information you need ready. Disaster Loan Forms.
The information you will need includes:
Last three years of personal federal tax returns.
Current year-to-date profit-and-loss statement (Before disaster)
MONTHLY sales figures are required when requesting economic injury requests · A Personal Financial Statement.
Articles of Incorporation (each entity having 20% or more are required to also file). ·